A junior at Titan High School, Jimmy Kudo is no ordinary teenager. Jimmy has developed a celebrity status as a world-class detective, solving crimes that leave the city's top law enforcement officials stumped and the nation cheering. One day, while at an amusement park with his girlfriend, Rachel Moore, Jimmy unwittingly finds himself at the scene of a sinister crime. Undaunted by the severity of the situation, Jimmy employs his keen deductive powers to skillfully locate the trail of the suspects. However, just as Jimmy stands poised to solve the case, he is captured by two members of a mysterious organization that operate under the darkest veil of corruption. In an effort to permanently silence the young detective, these shadowy men force Jimmy to drink a newly developed poison. One that "can't be detected in an autopsy". Miraculously, Jimmy escapes death, only to find that the toxin has reduced his 17-year-old body to the size of a 2nd grader! Distraught about his pint-sized appearance, Jimmy resolves to discover the whereabouts of these evil perpetrators. He enlists the help of his eccentric neighbor, a scientist and an inventor named Dr. Agasa. Dr. Agasa's first suggestion is that Jimmy keep his identity secret, even from his girlfriend Rachel, fearing that if anyone found out, the dangerous killers would certainly come back. The doctor's second suggestion isn't as easy – to live with Richard Moore, a washed up private detective that also happens to be his girlfriend's father! Disguising his true identity by adopting the name "Conan Edogawa", Jimmy begins a series of intricate cases, cracking puzzling and sinister crimes, in a quest to unravel the secrets behind his attack and the poison that shrunk him.
Episode Guide:
Episode 1 The Big Shrink
During the opening theme a man leaves a party looking extremely nervous. He enters a dark room and locks the door as a man sneaks out the window of a neighboring room and leaps to the balcony of the man's room. A gun is raised to the man's chest and fired. The people at the party rush to the room and break down the door to find his body. Later, all the guests are gathered in a ballroom. Several policemen stand in front of the fireplace. One is dressed in a tan overcoat with a large mustache on his face. One man in a wheelchair with a cast on his leg is confronting the policemen about their investigation. He protests that his guests are tired and his investigation is going no where. "Are you implying that the murderer is one of my guests?" he asks. "Who else?" says Jimmy Kudo, a teenage detective, as he walks into the room. He begins to explain how the man, whose name is Mr. Yamazaki, was murdered. He easily explains away every challenge the man in the wheelchair throws at him. He ends by pointing out the killer as being the man in the wheelchair himself. He laughs as he says that there's no way he the "acrobat." Jimmy looks away as he nonchalantly states his catch phrase, "Only one truth prevails." He picks up a globe of the mantle and hurls it at the man who, despite his cast is able to easily dodge the globe. Proving his leg isn't broken and he could easily make the jump. Outside the mansion, the inspector (Maguire) congratulates Jimmy on solving another case. The next day, Jimmy is lying in a room of his own mansion when he is suddenly awakened by the sound of an explosion. He looks out the window to see a large hole in the side of a small house on the mansion grounds. A middle-aged man wearing a lab coat and a large mustache climbs out of the rubble. He has a jetpack-like device strapped to his back. His name is Dr. Agasa. Jimmy opens the window and asks the doctor what's going on. Inside the study, Doctor Agasa is marveling at the thousands of books covering the walls. Inside the office of a private detective across town, the man, named Richard Moore, is screaming profanities as he punches the picture of Jimmy Kudo in the newspaper. His daughter, Rachel walks in and tells him to stop. Richard is upset that he is getting no work because of this "cocky kid with a lucky streak." Back outside, three small kids are watching a news report about Jimmy. They're all talking about how cool he is. Jimmy walks by behind them looking very proud of himself. Down the road further a few teen girls are talking about their crush on him. One girl wants to write and "Ode to Jimmy." Jimmy walks by with the same "sure-of-himself" attitude. Suddenly, a book bag comes out of nowhere and hits him square in the head. He looks and sees Rachel Moore, who happens to be his friend. "Careful, pal, your head's inflating." They talk about his detective work and how he's putter her father out of business. He makes a comment on her father being an awful excuse for a detective. He fist slams into a nearby telephone pole, breaking large chunks off of it. She warns him he'll be next. He marvels at her karate skill. At school, they are still discussing his detective work, he's ranting about Sherlock Holmes. She starts trying to kick him. He's able to dodge but on her last swinging kick, he skirt flies up and drapes over Jimmy's head. This only upsets her more. Once Jimmy walks off to class she calls him back and asks him if he forgot about the next day when he promised to take her to the theme park Tropical Land. At the theme park, they notice there's no line for the Mystery Coaster and decide to go ride it. In line, Jimmy shows off his detective skills by deducing a girl was gymnast just from feeling the blisters on her hand and seeing the bruises on her legs when a gust of wind blew her skirt up. They get on the coaster as Jimmy keeps talking about Holmes when Rachel yells at him for wasting her special day by everything he wants to talk about. He starts to feel really bad when she laughs and says she's not really upset but to please stop the "mystery talk." The coaster rolls up the first hill and then down into a dark tunnel. Suddenly, a drop of water hits Jimmy in the face. There's a sound behind him as they exit the tunnel. Jimmy looks back to see the man sitting behind him is no longer in possession of his head. The police come and Jimmy begins to work his magic as he solves the case again. He explains a fantastic story of how the gymnast woman from before used her prowess to slip a piano wire around the mans neck and drop a grappling hook onto the track letting the sheer speed of the ride do the work. As Jimmy and Rachel walk toward the exit, Jimmy tries to stop Rachel from crying when a shady man in black goes running by. Jimmy tells Rachel he'll catch up with her later and runs off to follow the man because of the suspicious behavior. She tries to follow him but her shoelace breaks so she has to stop. She begins to get a strange feeling that she'll never see him again. Back behind one of the park buildings, the shady man from before walks up to a man holding a suitcase who begins to complain that he's late. The man opens the suitcase to reveal a large amount of money ("A million, at least," Jimmy thinks). The man hands the suitcase over and the shady man in black hands over a roll of film containing pictures of the man's company "smuggling naughty things." The man runs off. Jimmy is about to confront the man in black when another guy in black comes up behind him telling him "enough eavesdropping." He quickly brings a metal pipe down on Jimmy's head, knocking him out. As he lays there the first guy in black pulls out a gun to "clean up his mess." The second man tells him not to as he pulls out a small case. Inside are several little pills. It's a poison that supposedly can't be detected in autopsy. He slips a pill into Jimmy's mouth and pours some water down his throat to help him swallow it. They then run off. Jimmy lies on the ground shaking and thinking about the unbearable pain. He fears he's going to die and the episode ends.
Episode 2 The Kidnapped Debutante
Jimmy wakes up to staring into the face of a police officer who has discovered him.For some reason the officer keeps calling him "little boy." Jimmy can't understand why. He notices that his clothes are very big for him. He thinks this guy is suspicious so when the cop turns around to call for backup, Jimmy stands and runs away. The officer and his partner start frantically looking for him. Back at the Moore Detective Agency, Rachel comes in to find the place littered with beer and cigarettes. She wonders what happened. Jimmy is running down a street, wondering what’s going on. Suddenly, his foot catches on his jeans and brings him down. He can’t think why he’s so out of breath. He stands and looks at himself in the store window. He’s been shrunk to the size of a little kid. Then he remembers the poison that he was given. That must be what happened. Rachel tries to call his house but no one answers. She decides to go there and figure out what happened. Back at his house Jimmy can’t get in the front gate. Suddenly, a hole is blown in the wall of the mansion grounds. Dr. Agasa climbs out and Jimmy runs up to talk to him. In his shrunken form though, Dr, Agasa doesn’t recognize him. Thinking he’s a kid pulling a prank, Agasa begins to drag Jimmy away to find a policeman. Jimmy is able to convince the doctor by using clues to figure out that Agasa just ran home from dinner at a restaurant. When he finishes, he uses Jimmy’s catch phrase and Dr. Agasa finally believes him. Inside, Jimmy changes into his smaller clothes and meets the doctor in the study. Apparently, the poison shrunk his body but left his mind intact. Jimmy begs him to develop an antidote. Agasa says he wants to but he’d need a sample of the poison to do that. They decide they need to keep his real identity a secret in case the men come looking for him again. Then they hear Rachel come in the front door. Jimmy hides under a desk while Agasa tries to get rid of her. Jimmy thinks he needs a disguise so he picks up his father’s glasses out of an open drawer. The prescription is all wrong so he can’t see. He accidentally hits his head on the desk and decides to pop the lenses out so he can see. Rachel hears him hit his head and comes around the desk to find Jimmy. Rachel looks at him, Jimmy’s afraid she recognizes him but all she does is hug him tightly and call him adorable. Agasa explains that the little boy is a relative of his. When she asks his name, he almost says “Jimmy” then remembers he needs a new name. On the bookshelf next to him are a couple of books written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Ranpo Edogawa. He comes up with the name Conan Edogawa. Agasa asks Rachel if “Conan” can stay at her house. Conan begins to protest but Agasa whispers that her father is a detective so Conan could use that to help locate the men in black. As Rachel and Conan walk home Rahcel asks if he has a girlfriend. He claims its gross but Rachel says that he wont always think so and that she has someone she loves. Conan laughs and says “Its that boy you were looking for tonight isn’t it? You like Jimmy.” She giggles and says that it is. To him it was a joke. He didn’t expect her to say yes. She starts saying how he’s very full of himself but he was always there for her. She finishes by saying that she loves him. Conan begins to blush deeply. When they get to Rachel’s house, Conan begins trying to tell Rachel the truth about who he is. Before he can say anything, though, Richard comes running down the stairs yelling wildly. He finally got a case about some rich guy’s daughter getting kidnapped. He jumps in a taxi still laughing raucously when he notices that Rachel is in the car. He asks her what she’s doing there and she says she’s trying to get him out, indicating Conan. Richard asks who it is and Rachel explains. Once at the house, Richard is talking to the father of the girl who was kidnapped. Conan is trying to see so he can figure out what happened but he’s too short. He’s finally able to see a picture and asks the butler, who was the only witness, what happened. Everyone begins to look at him and Richard gets angry and thumps him on the head. The butler explains that a man in black came over the wall, grabbed the girl, demanded that the father’s business was to be closed down for a month, and climbed out using a tree by the fence. Then Mr. Tanner, the girl’s father explains that a ransom had just been phoned in. Conan walks over to a ball lying on the ground and begins to juggle it like a soccer ball. Rachel comments on how Jimmy used to do that to help him think. Suddenly a very large dog jumps out of the bushes, barking viciously. Rachel goes to pull Conan away but the dog settles down when Conan starts spinning the ball on his finger. The dog start licking his face as the father says that Jumbo doesn’t take to everyone. Conan wants to say he’s figured it out but he knows he can’t reveal his proficiency at detective work. Hoping Richard will take the hint, Conan comments that the dog can’t bark at everyone. Tanner explains that he’s a very good guard dog. Richard gets it and says that no one heard the dog bark so Asao, the butler, may be lying. He admits it was all him and he reveals the location of the girl. But suddenly a maid walks out with a phone. Tanner tells her to go away but she insists. On the phone is a man claiming to be the kidnapper asking for money. Conan realizes that there were two kidnappings. The first was a fake than she was kidnapped again by someone else more dangerous. Conan jumps on the dog’s back and rides off after the girl yells into the phone from the back ground that they’re in a school equipment shed and she can see a smokestack out the window. He can only think of five schools in the area, but the girl isn’t at any of them. Then he sees a large skyscraper down the road. He begins to run around the side until he’s directly on the side. There are no windows and Conan realizes that it looks a lot a smokestack. There’s only one school that can see the building from that angle. He rushes off toward the school. Inside the shed the kidnapper finishes phoning in instructions for dropping off the money. Then he turns to the girl and pulls out a knife. As he’s about to kill her, Conan appears at the door and the dog jumps onto the man and knocks him over. The man is able to hit the dog so Conan is forced to try and attack him himself. He’s too small to be able to hurt him so he tries kicking a soccer ball but that doesn’t work either. The man is about to kill Conan with a bat when Rachel comes out of nowhere and blocked the bat. She uses her karate moves to take down the man as everyone else rushes in. Richard kicks the already beaten man a few times and begins to exclaim that he’s the greatest. Back at the Tanner house, the girl explains that it wasn’t Asao’s fault. She wanted him to spend more time with her so she hatched this plan to get his company closed so he’d pay attention to her. Mr. Tanner turned to Asao and yells at him to plan a trip for them to Australia. On the way home Rachel asks her father if Conan can stay. He thinks for a moment and then yells that of course he can stay because the day he shows up they got a rich client and solved the case.
Episode 3 Beware Of Idols
Yoko Okino is one of the brightest stars in the entertainment industry. But her previously spotless record takes a hit as a body is discovered in her penthouse apartment. With no other suspects to be found and all clues pointing to the grief stricken star, Conan and Richard, Yoko's number one fan, struggle to find the one clue that would clear the idol's name.
Episode 4 Fish Marks The Spot
When a treasure map is mysteriously dropped into their grasp, Conan and his friends form the Junior Detective League and try to decipher the clues. As they follow the maps winding road, three strange men begin tracking their every move. Does this map lead to untold riches, or will this first outing prove to be the last for the Junior Detective League?
Episode 5 The Time Bomb Express
Richard, Rachel, and Conan catch a cross country train for a little break from the rigors of big city detective work. Also on the train…two mysterious men in black! Their appearances matching Conan's hazy recollection of the night of his big shrink, but when he learns the men are carrying enough firepower to blow the train apart, Conan springs into action hoping to save the train in the nick of time. But time is running out!
Episode 6 Tragic Valentine
A beefy man named Tommy hits on Rachel who does not return the affection. Conan is upset that he cannot spend Valentine's Day with Rachel. Serena convinces Rachel to agree to go to the party that Tommy invites them to. Serena's reasoning is that Keenan, the cute guy she met a couple days earlier, is hosting the party. Conan wants to see why exactly Rachel agreed to go to the party and hides in the trunk. While Conan is spying on the party, he sneezes and the Keenan's mother discovers that he is outside and invites Conan in. Inside there is another Rugby player named Norman, an old friend named Kari, and Keenan's crush Katie. While inside all the guests have cake and coffee. Keenan is the only person not to eat the cake. He says that he has a headache and goes outside. Norman gives him a cigarette since Keenan is out. Katie follows to give him Valentine's chocolate. All of a sudden Katie comes back saying that Keenan collapsed. His mother is beside himself. It is determined that Keenan was poisoned. Katie is the prime suspect since he died after taking a bite of her chocolate. Norman admits to trying to poison Keenan, but he doesn't succeed since there was poison in the filter, the filter which Keenan always removes to avoid the poisons in the cigarette. Conan notices that the Keenan's mother had passed out tea, and everyone except the victim had eaten some of her cake as well. Her youngest son had sipped some of Rachel's tea, and even after the mother had told him not to have any sweets, she gives him a bite of cake. The reason is that the coffee had been poisoned, but the cake was an antidote. Knowing it was the mother, Conan knocked Richard out with a sleep dart from the watch Dr. Agasa gave him. Conan then disguised his voice as Richard's who like usual, couldn't solve a simple case without Conan's help. In the mother's confession she said that she murdered Keenan for his estate money. Keenan was taken in by her because she was his only living relative. The family business had seen hard times and she had needed money to keep the house running. She claimed she did it for her family. In the end Tommy was dumped by Rachel. The chocolate's she had made were for Jimmy. Since Jimmy wasn't around she shared the chocolate's with Conan as a celebration of friendship.
Episode 7 The Case Of The Mysterious Gifts
A Doctor calls on Richard Moore for help in a puzzling case. He has been receiving toys and money for two years from a man with a false name and address. The doctor is worried about the money, and more importantly with the letter that cam with it. The man wants to complete the transaction, except the doctor has no idea what it means. Rachel begins to wonder if Conan could possibly be Jimmy in the body of a boy, especially when Conan leads Richard through the case. Conan figures out that the sender lost his son and had difficulty with the loss. The sender blamed the doctor for a botched operation, even though the sender knew that it was just to late for the boy. The sender kidnapped the doctor's son and planned to kill him. He waited two years so that the doctor's son would be five, the same age his son was when he died. The sender wanted the doctor to understand how it felt to loose a child. The money was the insurance that the sender had on his son, and the toys that had been sent belonged to his son. The sender cannot kill the boy, the boy reminds him to much of his own son. The doctor understands where he is coming from and offers condolences to the sender. Rachel is convinced now that Conan is Jimmy: his mannerism, way of speaking, his appearance. They all remind her of Jimmy. After saving the little boy, Rachel's father is out when Conan returns home. Rachel confronts Conan, calling him Jimmy. Conan's secret seems to be going up in flames when the phone rings. When Rachel it is Jimmy’s voice. She is puzzled since she was convinced that Conan was Jimmy. Conan had stopped at Dr. Agasa'a and given him the voice modulator bow tie. Dr. Agasa then called Rachel using Jimmy's voice to stop Rachel of suspecting Conan as Jimmy. Rachel believes she is talking to Jimmy and that he is not sitting a couple feet away. Yet another mystery solved and corner escaped by Conan!
Episode 8 The Art Museum Murder Case
There's been a murder at the local art museum, and Conan is on the scene. The new owner of the museum, who had plans to turn the historical building into a casino, was killed by what appears to be someone wearing medieval body armor from the 15th century. The murder is inspired by a painting found in the museum, but can Conan paint a better picture and bring the killer to justice?
Episode 9 Festival Fiasco
An author attempts to script the perfect murder of his ex-partner and take his place atop the literary world. Expect a festival of lights to shine bright on a murder case where the only suspect has an airtight alibi. Can Conan see through the holes in his plot, or has this author managed to write himself a happy ending?
Episode 10 Deadly Game
A star soccer player's been thrown off his game. A young woman claiming to be Jimmy's girlfriend has surfaced, asking for help in finding a young boy that has been kidnapped. What's the connection between these two coincidences? Conan begins to see a twisted game unfold, but is it really dangerous, or is it only a game?
Episode 11 The Moonlight Sonata Murder Case Part 1
There is murder abound on Moonlight Island, and with every victim that is found, the haunting sounds of a classical composition are heard. With a big election heating up on the island and tensions running high about the "cursed piano", Conan must somehow solve the crime…before all the suspects disappear!
Episode 12 The Moonlight Sonata Murder Case Part 2
In Part Two of this complex mystery, Conan is still trying to find the hidden link between the musical code and the identity of the killer. As the murders keep stacking up, the clues continue to cloud the truth as the nefarious Moonlight Sonata murderer is revealed in this shocking conclusion!
Episode 13 Kidnapped: Amy
What began as an innocent game of hide-and-seek becomes a race through the city as two murdering thugs kidnap Amy. With the clock running against them, can the Junior Detective League rescue Amy in time before it's too late?
Episode 14 Mystery Mastermind
Michelle is a young lady so desperate to find her missing father, that she hires Richard Moore. When Richard succeeds in finding the man, the case should easily be a closed one. But the next day, the father is found murdered and Michelle has vanished. Now, it's up to Conan and some of Dr. Agasa's new technology to find the missing girl before it's too late!
Episode 15 The Shooter
As Conan and the kids fish on the riverbank, they witness a most unusual sight. Can they convince Inspector Meguire and Richard of its importance before it's too late? And if so, can they even figure out what it really means?
Episode 16 The Two Faced Brother
When Conan finds himself having to deal with a disappearing body, an oddly similar pair of brothers, and a jaded law enforcement system, what could go wrong? Lots! Especially when the brothers are nothing like what they seem to be. If ever Conan should be prepared to expect the unexpected, this is it!
Episode 17 A Loan Repaid
Will Conan ever get some rest and relaxation? What starts out as a lazy day, watching Richard stumble through a delicate case, soon takes an exciting turn when an antique collector meets his end at the point of an ancient sword. Can Conan sharpen his senses to cut through all the confusion surrounding the murder?
Episode 18 The Case Of The Hi-Jacked Department Store
When Conan and his pals find themselves locked overnight in a department store, they stumble right into the hands of a vicious ring of burglars. Having taken the entire night-staff hostage, these burglars won't stop until Conan, George, Amy, and Mitch are caught, too! Will anyone come to their rescue?
Episode 19 Wedding Day Blues
While Conan suffers through the wedding day of one of his former teachers, a devious plan is being hatched right beneath his nose. A poison sits quietly in a container, waiting to make lethal the favorite drink of the bride! What diabolical mind is behind this act of evil? Only Conan's brilliant mind can know!
Season 2
Episode 20 Fashion Sense
What began as an enjoyable day for Conan, Richard, and Rachel, who is being interviewed for a potential job as a fashion model, soon turns deadly as a beautiful young lady is found dead! All signs point to a simple break in, but Conan knows that not all is as it seems.
Episode 21 The Disappearing Act
In this hair-raising episode of Case Closed. Conan, George, Mitch, and Amy explore a haunted house. With strange noises and mysterious scream around every corner, what they find is more tangible and bizarre than any ghost.
Episode 22 Lights, Camera...Murder
What's more exciting than spending a day on a movie set? How about a movie set that's also a crime scene. Life imitates art as a crewmember is murdered. Everyone involved in the movie is suspected, but who could be capable of acting out such a horrendous thing? Can Conan see through the falseness of Hollywood to get to the truth of the matter?
Episode 23 Smooth Sailing Part 1
Join Conan, Richard, and Rachel as they attempt to catch some rest and relaxation aboard a cruise ship. But the gang soon ends up being cast into the middle of a dangerous family drama. Can Conan solve the mystery and find the killer before he takes out the entire family? Find out on this boat-rocking episode of Case Closed.
Episode 24 Smooth Sailing Part 2
The plot thickens in part two of this mystery, as the young Lucas becomes the third stabbing victim on the voyage. After discovering his injuries are not life threatening, problems arise when it's revealed that Theodore's escape from his makeshift prison cell was only possible with the help of an accomplice. Two timing and back-stabbing are themes in this mystery, and Conan knows better than anybody how to sort through this kind of mess.
Episode 25 Better Off Forgotten
Just as Richard's luck seems to be running out after a bad day at the horse races with a revenge fueled escaped con bearing down on him, a beautiful woman practically falls into his arms. The only problem is, she can't remember a thing about herself, except her name. Can Richard help this woman regain her memory and, if so, will it only get him into more trouble than he's already in?
Episode 26 The Counterfeit Ransom Kidnapping
A dramatic car chase leaves two people dead…or does it? What does a diving watch, a sun tan and five million dollars add up to? Another tough case for Conan. Can Conan put it all together before the kidnappers make their next move?
Episode 27 Jack Attacks!
Ted Growben, a local college student, is house-sitting for his neighbor Charles Peterson. When Peterson's dog Jack attacks and kills Ted, it shocks not only his owner, but Conan as well! This is a pooch that Conan has known since he was a boy, and now Jack faces the possibility of being put to sleep, unless Conan can get to the bottom of things first.
Episode 28 Richard's Class Reunion Part 1
After Richard and Conan take down a would-be bank robber, they head off to Richard's 15-year class reunion with Rachel. Richard's old friends were all on the state-winning Judo team together, but when the beautiful Jamie Hummelford turns up in her room dead of an apparent suicide, the fun is abruptly ended.
Episode 29 Richard's Class Reunion Part 2
Richard's class reunion continues, but all the catching up has finally caught up to the classmates leaving one of them dead! Is the killer still among them, and if so, can Conan apprehend him in time? Everyone's a suspect in this exciting episode of Case Closed!
Episode 30 The Computer Murder
A chance meeting with a corporate executive lands Conan in the middle of a murder investigation. A curious cat, a suspicious limo driver and pile of melted chocolates have Conan wondering who the killer is. Will Conan help Richard, Rachel and Inspector Meguire find the murderer before he strikes again?
Episode 31 The Missing Melody
When a high-powered attorney's wife is murdered under the strangest of circumstances, Conan steps in to make sense of it all. A music box, a telephone call and a staple all point to a killer no one would have expected. How will Conan solve the puzzle and convince everyone of the real criminal's identity?
Episode 32 Murder At The Televison Studio
Richard Moore guest stars on the popular television show Prime Time Mystery Hour, and while Conan and Rachel enjoy the broadcast from the audience, a brutal murder takes place at the television station.
Episode 33 Murder At The Local Diner
Rachel has a date today, and Conan is determined to find out who this guy is. But when a brutal murder takes place at the diner he's in, Conan steps into his detective shoes to solve the case. But a surprise is on the way for Conan, and he never sees it coming.
Episode 34 A Hunting We Will Go
A weekend that begins with what Conan believes to be a childish game quickly turns deadly. Lost in the wild, miles from civilization with two suspicious looking men sneaking around, how's the gang going to get themselves out of this mess? Get ready for a treasure hunt where Conan and the kids find more than they bargain for.
Episode 35 Mountain Villa Murder Part 1
When Rachel is invited to a friend's villa for the weekend, it seems like an ideal get away from the city. But when one of the guests is murdered, the holiday turns into a nightmare. And when Rachel becomes the murderer's second target, Conan has to crack the case before he loses the one that he loves.
Episode 36 Mountain Villa Murder Part 2
Having lost one of their own in the dark of the night, a group of old college friends seek to defend themselves against a deadly axe-murderer. But is the assailant really stalking them from outside of the villa or is he lurking within? With Rachel's life still in jeopardy, Conan has to find the answers! And fast!
Episode 37 Wrong Place At The Wrong Time
When Burt Barnes, a seedy real estate agent is murdered in his condominium, the police suspect Karen Keeler, a well-known dentist in town. They believe that she was getting back at Barnes for a crime that he committed 25 years ago. Will Conan's investigation vindicate the beautiful dentist or debunk her perfect alibi?
Season 3
Episode 38 Prickly Past
When a pretty girl hires Detective Moore to help her find an old flame, it seems like a routine case. But when Conan finds out that the man she is looking for was responsible for the death of her fiancé, he realizes that romance is the farthest thing from her mind. This femme fatale wants revenge and she'll do anything to get it.
Episode 39 Flames Of Confusion
When a body is discovered in a bonfire at a ritual Fire Festival by a tourist, the murder investigation begins. And when Detective Moore finds out that the victim is the same man that he had been tailing for the past three days, he realizes that he has been had. The man who hired Detective Moore uses his testimony to create the perfect alibi. Can Conan crack the case before this prime suspect leaves the country or will he get away with murder?
Episode 40 Billionaire Birthday Blues Part 1
A billionaire hosts a birthday gala for his daughter Reika and the famous Detective Moore is the celebrity guest of honor. But when one of Reika's handsome young suitors turns up dead, the remaining guests are suspects for murder. Before Conan can crack the case, another victim is discovered. With only a small group of friends remaining, who is behind these birthday brutalities?
Episode 41 Billionaire Birthday Blues Part 2
When a beautiful heiress is murdered on her birthday, Conan springs into action to solve the baffling crime. The stakes are soon raised, as Rachel becomes a target for the assassin's sinister game. The painful past of every suspect must be brought to light. Opening these old wounds is the only way to bring the killer to justice!
Episode 42 Left In Tatters
The fun of a baseball game is interrupted when bad news comes down from the School Chairman. A slashing has taken place and the victim has been cut multiple times. But the victim is not a person; it's the baseball team 's cherished Championship Flag! Scandal rocks Shore View High as Conan investigates and finds that it was an inside job.
Episode 43 Karaoke Killing
It is Christmastime, but unfortunately for Rachel, Jimmy still hasn't returned. Serena sharply criticizes Jimmy for not showing up, and Rachel agrees, although she still misses him. Rachel quickly tries to change the subject and asks Serena what boy she's interested in. That boy happens to be Justin Moon, the famous lead singer of the rock group Lex. Fortunately for Serena, her father has connections and sets up a meeting with the band at a nearby Karaoke Bar.
Serena, Rachel, and Jimmy all head to the bar where they meet up with the members of Lex. Justin Moon is the famed lead singer, and his backing band consists of Amber (Guitar) and Sledger (Drums), as well as the band manager Mazy. To Rachel and Serena's surprise, Lex is quite the dysfunctional group. Justin, obviously drunk, continually makes rude remarks to the rest of the band. Serena and Rachel then meet Georgie, Justin's former drummer who is now a waiter at the karaoke bar. Justin pokes fun at Georgie as well while he serves them their food. After Georgie leaves, a Christmas song comes on, which Justin has requested for Mazy to sing. Mazy angrily gets up to sing, and then sits down. After this, Amber gets up to sing, and begins cyring while she does. Justin informs Rachel and Serena that Amber is crying because the band is about to break up. The next song that comes up is "Bloody Venus", one of Lex's hits songs, which Justin gets up to sing. He throws his coat off as if it were a stage act, and then proceeds to sing. Justin then sits down and eats one of the rice balls Georgie served to them earlier on. A few seconds later, Justin inexplicably collapses and dies.
Conan quickly glances Justin over and finds traces of cyanide. He realizes that Justin was poisoned, and that Amber, Sledge, Mazy, and Georgie are all suspects. They all had motives to murder Justin. By this time, Inspector Meguire has arrived on the scene and begins questioning Georgie on what happened. Meguire learns that Amber was crying while she sang her song, so he questions whether she and Justin had an intimate relationship. Amber denies it, and says that she loved Justin be he was in love with another girl. Conan also begins prying around and figures out that Justin always threw his coat off when he sung "Bloody Venus". He realizes how the killer performed the murder, and figures that it was someone with a Lex band jacket, immediately ruling out Georgie as a suspect. The police then collect all of Justin's belongings, which include some old sheet music and band pictures. One of the pictures catches Conan's eye, and he asks Georgie what it is. Georgie explains that the picture is of Moon's old band. He also mentions that Mazy was the guitarist, but Conan has a hard time recognizing her until Georgie notes that her appearance has changed alot since then. Conan then sees a letter on the back of the picture, and is shocked by the content. He realizes that the murder was a huge mistake and an even bigger tragedy.
Some time passes, and Inspector Meguire is back at the Police HQ when he receives a telephone call. He is instructed to go back to the scene of the crime and bring all the suspects as well. Rachel and Serena tag along for the ride. Meguire tells them that a private detective called him with information about the murder. Rachel wonders if this is her dad, but Meguire reveals that it is none other than Jimmy Kudo. As soon as the car stops, Rachel dashes full speed to the scene of the crime, only to find an empty room with Christmas music playing. There is also a camera in the middle of the room. Jimmy's voice comes through a loudspeaker, and he tells Meguire that he knows who the killer is. He says that it is none other than Mazy.
Mazy bluntly denies killing Justin. Jimmy then asks Mazy to sing "Bloody Venus", and she agrees as long as it helps to find Justin's killer. Jimmy tells Mazy that she forgot to throw off her coat at the beginning of the song, something that Justin always does when singing "Blood Venus". Mazy then throws her coat off and sings the song. When she is finished, Jimmy asks her to eat the dishes he has prepared for her...the exact same ones that Georgie served. She gets angry and demands to know what this has to do with anything. Jimmy then asks Inspector Meguire to look at Mazy's jacket and check for content. He finds a lighter, the same one that Justin had on him earlier on. Jimmy tells Meguire and the rest of the people in the room that the jacket Mazy threw off was actually Justin's jacket. Jimmy tells everyone that Mazy switched her poisoned jacket with Justin's before their meeting. She rubbed poison on the left elbow of the jacket, and then made sure "Bloody Venus" was played so that Justin would throw off his jacket, and so that Justin's right hand would touch his left elbow. With the poison on his right hand, all Justin needed to do was to put food in his mouth and the cyanide would kill him quickly. 
Mazy finally admits to killing Justin, because he treated her badly and hated her. She reveals that Justin and she were both members in a rock band, and that she fell in love with Justin. When the rock group broke up, Justin made her the manager of Lex, and she felt that their love was mutual. But, she was fearful that Justin would pick another woman over her, so she had plastic surgery in order to look better. But, after surgery, Justin rejected her and mocked her any chance he would get. Jimmy tells Mazy that Justin still loved her, and tells her to look at the back of the band's picture and read the letter that Justin wrote. She is still skeptical, but Georgie tells her that Justin really did love her, although he was upset that she had plastic surgery. Amber also realizes that the girl Justin said he was in love with was really Mazy. Mazy breaks down and begins crying, realizing the grave mistake she made.
Hours pass after the murder has been solved, and Rachel waits in the bitter cold outside Jimmy's house. Conan and Dr. Agasa watch her from a safe distance, and Dr. Agasa reminds Conan that he used his real name to solve the case and therefore she thinks that he is back. The two agree that they have to come up with something to make Rachel happy. The lights suddenly flicker on in Jimmy's house, and Rachel finds the doors open. She walks in, and the lights immediately go out. Rachel calls Jimmy's name, and to her surprise, he answers. Conan uses his bowtie to sound like Jimmy, and then grabs Rachel's hand. She sees his silhoutte and believes that it is really Jimmy. He asks if she missed him, but Rachel quickly denies it, trying to hide her emotions. Jimmy promises Rachel that he will be back soon, but that he has to get back to the case at hand. Just as quickly as he came, Jimmy dissapears and the lights go back on in his house. Rachel desperately looks around for him, and then finds a present on the stairs. The label reads "To the most amazing girl in the world....Love, Jimmy".
Episode 44 Conan Is Kidnapped
It is another slow day at the Moore Detective Agency, and with nothing to do, both Richard and Rachel begin bugging Conan about his parents. Rachel asks Conan if he misses his parents, and Richard hints that Conan is wearing his welcome and needs to go home. Conan tries to evade the questions about his parents, but to no avail. Finally, Rachel and Richard reveal that they have surprise for Conan. A short, large woman walks through the door and introduces herself as Fanny Edogawa: Conan's mother.
Conan is at a loss as to what to do. He knows that this person is up to no good, as Conan was someone that he made up, but he refrains from telling Rachel or Richard, figuring that he may put them in harm's way if he does. Conan silently walks away with his "mother" and gets into her car as Rachel and Richard bid farewell. Conan's absence hurts Rachel more than she thought it would. Finally alone with this strange woman in her car, Conan tells her to give up the phony role play. She drops the act, then shocks Conan by revealing that she knows about his secret...she knows that he is none other than Jimmy Kudo. Conan realizes that he must have blown his cover when he used his real name while trying to solve the karaoke murder. He figures that the men in black and their organization have pinpointed his whereabouts and want to kill him. In an act of desperation, Conan steps on the accelerator and sends the car flying into an intersection. The woman jams on the brakes as Conan quickly escapes the vehicle and runs off.
Conan heads down a snowy alleyway and finds himself near Dr. Agasa's house. He contemplates trying to go back to the Moore Detective Agency, but fears he will be putting them in danger. He decides to hide out at Dr. Agasa's house. Just as he sees Dr. Agasa walking to his house, a hand pops out from behind him and puts a cloth dampened with chloroform over his mouth. Conan immediately passes out. He wakes up a few hours later on the second story of an old wooden house. He is bound by ropes and locked inside a room, with a small hole in the wooden door providing limited visibility. He sees two people in the other room; his kidnapper and a tall man with a deep, sinister voice. The man turns around a reveals a scary looking mask covering his face. Conan acts as if he is passed out, and listens to the conversation. The man wants to kill Conan, but "Fanny Edogawa" says that the organization's orders are to bring him in alive. The organization wants to study the effects of the poison pill on Conan. Conan realizes that this is his chance to find out more about the organization that poisoned him and turned him into a child. The masked man reveals a suitcase with six poison pills, the same that Jimmy was poisoned with, and explains that he will conduct a study of his own. He has a meeting with a man who he is supposed to kill, but he resolves to try the pills on him before killing him. Conan figures that he must escape if he wants to stay alive and save the unsuspecting victim's life. 
Some time passes, and by now the masked man and the strange woman are both asleep. Conan finds an empty wine bottle and breaks the bottle in a towel that is on the floor, then uses the edge to cut himself loose. He then decides to hide inside the room and make it look as if he jumped out the window so that he can elude his captors. The masked man wakes up a few hours later and enters the room with the woman. She sees the open window and believes that Conan escaped by jumping out and using the snow to cushion his fall. With a smug tone, the masked man tells her that Conan is still hiding in the room. He opens up a small fridge within the room and pulls out a gun expecting to find and kill Conan in there, but it is empty. He then decides to get back to business and attend the meeting at hand. The two leave and drive away. Conan, hiding under a trap door in the room, finally gets out and starts looking around the other room for the poison the masked man was talking about. He doesn't find anything. He then searches for clues as to where the meeting is taking place. Conan sees cut out newspaper clippings and rearranges the missing letters to spell out the phrase 'Baker Hotel'. He then notices cut marks on a calendar hanging on the wall nearby and the sheet for August missing. With these clues, he deciphers that the number '30' was cut out, and figures that the meeting will be taking place at Baker Hotel in Room 30.
Conan arrives at Baker Hotel, but can't seem to find any significance in the numer 30 since the rooms start with number 100. He overhears two people talking about parking spot numbers, and wonders if 30 could signify a designated parking space. Conan heads out to the parking lot and goes to spot 30, where a van is currently parked. He starts snooping around the van, but the owners see him and yell at him for trying to vandalize their vehicle. After leaving, Conan continues to try and deduce what the number 30 means to the meeting, when all of a sudden a huge man walks over to the parking spot. Conan immediately hides and watches as the man looks at the parking spot number and walks back into the hotel. Conan takes another look at the parking spot number and sees a small '1' written in next to it. He suddenly realizes that the number 30 was indeed the parking spot number and that the '1' at the end means that the meeting is taking place in Room 301. 
Quickly heading up the elevator, Conan looks into Room 301 from a safe distance in the corridor and sees the masked man once again. From the other side of the corridor, the elevator door opens and the woman who kidnapped him exits and heads for room 301. Conan makes a quick escape by sneaking into a nearby room. The boy inside the room tries to call the police on him, but Conan quiets him by using his bowtie to mimic the boy's mother's voice. The boy is immediately impressed. Conan then uses the boy's room phone to call room service. Room service arrives shortly at room 301. The strange lady tells room service to go away, but the masked man tells him to leave the cart in the room. After the door is shut, the masked man reveals that Conan has joined the meeting. The woman searches under the cart and under the dinner trays but finds nothing. The masked man laughs and then opens the closet, finding and putting a gun to Conan's head. The masked man reveals that Conan used room service as a decoy, and then snuck into the room. The masked man then pulls the trigger on Conan...
...but the only thing that hits Conan is a dart. Conan opens his eyes to find the lady, the masked man, and the large man he saw at the parking lot all laughing at him. A confused Conan wonders what is going on, until the masked man takes off his mask and shows himself to be none other than Booker Kudo: Jimmy's dad. The lady posing as Conan's mother takes off her disguise and shows herself as Vivian Kudo: Jimmy's mom. And the tall man at the parking lot is revealed to be non other than Dr. Agasa. Conan realizes that it was all a set up and yells at his parents for putting him in such a chaotic situation. Booker tells Conan that he was merely testing his detective skills, and that he needs to sharpen up a bit. Booker tells Conan that he diguised himself exactly like the Night Baron, the killer from his second mystery novel. Vivian then tells Conan that they came back from abroad because they had not heard from him in a long time and were worried. Upon arriving, Dr. Agasa had told them about Jimmy's transformation, and they devised a set-up to show Conan just what kind of trouble he would be in if he stayed home. Vivian and Booker invite him to come abroad with them, and Booker tells him that he can use his government contacts to track down the organization. Dr. Agasa suggests that Conan would be much happier and safer if he went abroad with his parents. Conan immediately rejects the idea and says the he wants to live at home, and that he has another reason for staying. Booker immediately realizes that Conan wants to stay because of Rachel, and then tells Vivian that it is OK if he doesn't go abroad with them. 
The next day, Conan's "mother" returns to the Moore Detective Agency with Conan. She says that Conan has taken a great liking to both Richard and Rachel and doesn't want to leave. Richard at first seems reluctant, but is then presented with $10,000 to cover Conan's expenses. Richard flips out at the unfathomable amount of money being given to him, and immediately accepts Conan back. Before leaving, Conan's mother hints that Conan has developed quite a crush on Rachel. A red-faced Conan looks on as his mother leaves to go abroad. 
On the plane, Booker tells Vivian that they should take a vacation in Hawaii. He says that he can postpone his writing since he is the top author around. Suddenly, a mob of his editors come crashing through the aisles looking for Booker. A shocked Booker wonders how they ever got wind of his location, and the editors reveal that his son called in and told them what flight he was on. Booker immediately begins typing up his new book, aware that Conan just got him back for the earlier prank he pulled.
Episode 45 Unhappy Birthday
A lazy drive through the country lands Richard, Rachel, and Conan in the middle of a murder mystery surrounding the death of billionaire industrialist, Oscar Hotta. As Conan tries to unravel the clues before the killer can strike again, he faces one disturbing reality: The prime suspects are the victim's children?! It's an explosive whodunit you won't want to miss!
Episode 46 Unexpected Visitors
Another day, another case as Richard stumbles upon the death of the President of a popular apparel company. Just why would the President be wearing an unflattering facial mask if she had been expecting company? It's just one of the many perplexing elements of a most unusual case!
Episode 47 A Game Of Murder
Conan and the gang's ski-trip turns deadly when a medical professor is murdered right under their noses! A secret message left by the victim points to one of his students as being the killer. However, unraveling the secret proves one of the greatest challenges the pint-sized sleuth has ever faced!
Episode 48 No Immunity For The Diplomat Part 1
Conan has to deal with some stiff competition when Harley Hartwell, heralded as the ‘Great Detective of the West', comes looking for Jimmy Kudo to prove which of them is the best detective. However, before Conan can save his reputation, he must first save himself, as a mysterious sickness threatens to close his file for good!
Episode 49 No Immunity For The Diplomat Part 2
Jimmy Kudo returns to the surprise of everyone, especially himself! As Jimmy tries to expose the real secret behind the perfectly sealed room, the rivalry between he and Harley Hartwell heats up! Deceit and treachery are revealed, as Rudy Tarrington's killer is finally unmasked!
Episode 50 The Last Dive
The bitter rivalry between two world-class high divers boils over as the reigning champion is found dead. Due to the nature of the injuries and eye witness testimony, it seems as if this death was nothing more than a tragic accident. But nothing is ever as it seems as the brilliant mind of Conan soon reveals!
Episode 51 The Book Without Pages
A routine afternoon at the library turns into the hunt for a corpse after an attendant turns up missing. When Conan and the Young Detective Gang try to solve the mystery by staying after-hours, they find themselves trapped, in the dark, and not alone. Will they catch the killer before he catches them?
Episode 52 Driving A Bomb
A relaxing day at the driving range leads Conan, Richard, and Rachel to their next explosive case, as the president of a leading electronics manufacturer meets an untimely end. With many suspects and few clues, will Conan unravel the mystery in time to catch a killer?
Season 4
Episode 53 The Mist Goblin Murder Part 1
A baffling and seemingly impossible murder is committed at a secluded mountain temple. Luckily Conan and Richard are on the scene! It is believed that the terrible Mist Goblin, a creature with super strength, haunts the temple. Conan doesn't believe in goblins, but he may have to change his tune as the evidence suggests that the Mist Goblin may be more than just a legend!
Episode 54 The Mist Goblin Murder Part 2
Cherry blossom petals, a failed arranged marriage, and a rubber boat? What do these things have to do with the horrible Mist Goblin, a creature haunting an out of the way temple? Plenty! In the second part of a seem